Currently, our most urgent need is to build a school kitchen/cafeteria. Sadly today, the lack of funds is forcing us to use a classroom as kitchen. We've been asked by the Haitian School district to build a separate room dedicated only for cooking and where the children can safely eat their meal.
Please help us make this goal a reality.
EDUCATION - School Project
Life in Haiti continues to be a struggle and education is considered far-fetched to some – a luxury the poor have no means to attain. Building a school in rural sections of Haiti is a challenging endeavor. Although our school is operational, there is still plenty of work to be done to complete the school.
Our hearts are filled with joy as we announce the completion of the church building. Since our last report, all the walls have gone up, the trusses were built and installed by locals and volunteers. We are in need of new or used musical instruments for Sunday morning and evening and weekday worship services.
WATER - Water Filtration Project
We envision launching a water purification program. The goal is to ship filters that could produce 50-60 gallons of water a day for up to a year.
If you know of agencies that can assist us with filters, sanitation and hygiene products, please contact us today, we want to hear from you...
As of August 2013, construction of the GOH Orphanage came to a halt because of a lack of funding. Read more...
To build an orphanage in Haiti is not an easy task for a tiny organization as us. Assuming we are able to raise the 30k required to complete this project, the facility would primarily be used as a safe haven to relocate orphans or abandoned children from financially destitute homes into a home-schooling environment, where they are loved, fed, clothed and receive no-cost education. more...
but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks.
Deuteronomy 15:8